Friday, September 30, 2011

افضل دبلوم صيدلة اكلينيكية الآن في مصر والخليج

احصل الآن على أقوى الشهادات التخصصية
في الصيدلة الاكلينيكية وصيدلة المستشفيات
البورد الأمريكي للتخصصات الصيدلانية
Board of Pharmacy Specialties
... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
مميزات حصرية
مع أول مركز اختبارات واعداد للبورد في مصر
Professional Training House
وبالنظام التأهيلي الجديد للعام 2012
All New System 2012
الاستعداد للبورد مش محاضرات وبس

* اقتني مادة دراسية متميزة من أحدث مراجع البورد

* اختر التخصص الانسب لك
Pharmacotherapy أو Oncology

* ادرس في الفصل أو أون-لاين داخل أو خارج مصر

* تمتع بالوسائل التعليمية المتنوعة Handouts– CDs – Internet Access.

* احصل على تسجيلات المحاضرات صوت وصورة لمراجعة المادة في أي وقت لأي عدد من المرات

* تدرب على أكبر وأحدث بنك أسئلة وإجابات أعده (حصريا) فريق عمل مؤسسة بيت التدريب الاحترافي من جميع مصادر البورد

* خطة فريـدة للاعداد للبورد تتكون من 4 مراحل: مراجعة أسـاسيات الفارماكولوجي والفيسيولوجـي لكل باب ثم شرح مفصل للمنهج ثم تدريب على أسئلة البورد ثم مراجعة مركزة قبل امتحان البورد

* اختبارات دورية للتحفيز المستمر وقياس الأداء

* منتدى مخصوص لعمل مجموعات مذاكرة والتواصل مع المحاضرين خارج الفصل على الانترنت

* في نهاية البرنامج يحصل الدارس بعد اجتياز امتحان التقييم النهائي على شهادة دبلوم مهني في الصيدلة الاكلينيكية صادرة من
Phoenix Academy
مع رقم مسلسل لتعريف وتوثيق الشهادة على الانترنت
الشهادة قابلة للتوثيق من الخارجية وسفارات الدول العربية

* تسهيل ومساعدة الدارس في اجراءات التقدم والتسجيل لامتحان البورد واجراء الاختبار في مقرنا بالقاهرة
متطلبات الاشتراك
صورة اثبات الشخصية : الرقم القومي أو الاقامة أو جواز السفر
صورة اثبات المؤهل : شهادة التخرج أو ترخيص مزاولة المهنة
سداد القسط الأول من الرسوم
ملئ استمارة التسجيل بالمقر أو أون-لاين
اشترك الآن
مؤسسة بيت التدريب الاحترافي
Professional Training House
أول مركز اختبارات واعداد لبورد التخصصات الصيدلية بمصر
نحن نبدع والآخرون يتنافسون
3ش محمد النادي – مدينة نصر
هاتف: 22718348 – 0110006499 – 0111454477
البورد هو شهادة مهنية توازي درجة الماجستير المهني
الدبلوم الممنوح من خلال البرنامج التأهيلي للبورد يضيف سنة خبرة للسيرة المهنية للدارس
ويثبت تخصصه في الصيدلة الاكلينيكية وصيدلة المستشفيات
وشهادة الدبلوم قابلة للتصديق من الخارجية وأي سفارة دولة عربية
البورد هو شهادة مهنية توازي درجة الماجستير المهني

الدبلوم الممنوح من خلال البرنامج التأهيلي للبورد يضيف سنة خبرة للسيرة المهنية للدارس

ويثبت تخصصه في الصيدلة الاكلينيكية وصيدلة المستشفيات


وشهادة الدبلوم قابلة للتصديق من الخارجية وأي سفارة دولة عربية

وقد حظى بقبول واعتراف العيد من مؤسسات التعليم وسلاسل صيدليات كبرى ومستشفيات بالخليج


تحذر مؤسسة بيت التدريب الاحترافي من الشركات التي تروج لاعتماديات وهمية

التي تزعم التأهيل للبورد من خلال شهادة دبلوم غير قابلة للتصديق من اي جهة رسمية


للاشتراك في برنامج دبلوم الصيدلة الاكلينيكية المؤهل لاختبار البورد الامريكي في التخصصات الصيدلانية تخصص فارماكوثيرابي او انكولوجي .

ولتأكيد الحجز برجاء ملئ الاستمارة التالية وسيتم التواصل معكم خلال 48 ساعة عمل لبدء اجراءات التسجيل:

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Project Management

Project management
is the discipline of planning, organizing, securing and managing resources to bring about 
the successful completion of specific project goals and objectives.
A project is a temporary endeavor, having a defined beginningand end (usually constrained by date,
but can be by funding or deliverables), undertaken to meet unique goals and objectives, usually to bring about beneficial change or added value.


The Master of Business Administration (MBA or M.B.A.)
is a master's degree in business administration, which attracts people from a wide range of academic disciplines. The MBA designation originated in the United States, emerging from the late 19th century as the country industrialized and companies sought out A. The core courses in the MBA program are designed to introduce students to the various areas of business such as accounting, finance, marketing, human resources, operations management, etc. Students in MBA programs have the option of taking general business courses throughout the program or can select an area of concentration and focus approximately one-fourth of their studies in this subject.

The degree of Doctor of Business Administration, abbreviated, (DBA) or (D.B.A.) and equivalent to (PhD in Business Administration), is a research doctorate in business administration. The D.B.A. requires coursework and research beyond the master's degree that normally results in a dissertation or journal publication that contributes to business theory or practice.

Kotler Strategy

Professor Philip Kotler

is the S.C. Johnson & Son Distinguished Professor of International Marketing at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, Illinois. Kellogg was voted the Best Business School on six different years in Business Week's survey of U.S. business schools. It is also rated as the Best Business School for the Teaching of Marketing. Philip Kotler has significantly contributed to Kellogg's success through his many years of research and teaching there.

Human Resources

Human resources
is a term used to describe the individuals who make up the workforce of an organization, although it is also applied in labor economics to, for example, business sectors or even whole nations. Human resources is also the name of the function within an organization charged with the overall responsibility for implementing strategies and policies relating to the management of individuals

Marketing & Sales

Marketing and Sales
You put your heart and soul into your company because you love what you do. Your efforts should be rewarded in the form of profit.
How well you market your business and interact with your customers can vastly influence your success. Whether you're starting a new business venture or revisiting your existing marketing strategy, this section covers marketing from the ground up. You'll find information and resources that will help place your products and services at the forefront of your current and future customers' minds.

Business management

Business management
in all business and organizational activities is the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively. 

Lean Six Sigma

Lean manufacturing, lean enterprise, or lean production
often simply, "Lean" is a production practice that considers the expenditure of resources for any goal other than the creation of value for the end customer to be wasteful, and thus a target for elimination. Working from the perspective of the customer who consumes a product or service, "value" is defined as any action or process that a customer would be willing to pay for.

Total Quality Management

Total quality management or TQM is an integrative philosophy of management for continuously improving the quality of products and processes. It is used around the world.
TQM functions on the premise that the quality of products and processes is the responsibility of everyone who is involved with the creation or consumption of the products or services offered by an organization. In other words, TQM capitalizes on the involvement of management, workforce, suppliers, and even customers, in order to meet or exceed customer expectations.

Customer Relationship Management


(Customer relationship management (CRM
 is a widely-implemented strategy for managing a company’s interactions with customers, clients and sales prospects. It involves using technology to organize, automate, and synchronize business processes—principally sales activities, but also those for marketing, customer service, and technical support

Operation Management

Operations management
is an area of management concerned with overseeing, designing, and redesigning business operations
 in the production of goods and/or services. It involves the responsibility of ensuring that business operations are efficient in terms of using as little resources as needed, and effective in terms of meeting customer requirements. It is concerned with managing the process that converts inputs
(in the forms of materials, labor, and energy) into outputs (in the form of goods and/or services).

Train Of the Trainers

Our course is designed to develop or refresh the professional trainer's ability to run exciting and effective training programmers. 
Not surprisingly, training professionals spend a substantial proportion of their time training others. 

Human Development

Accounting for Non-Accountants

coming soon

coming soon

Clinical Pharmacy

Health Care Quality Management

The advanced specialty certificate in Health Care Quality Management will prepare managers and health care professionals to plan, develop and implement successful continuous quality improvement/management programs in their organizations and health care regions. Graduates will enhance their health organizations ability to move into integrated delivery of quality health care services that are accountable to clients of the system, the government and the public.

Hospital Management

Hospital Management provides a direct link between healthcare facilities and those supplying the services they need. This procurement and reference resource provides a one-stop-shop for professionals and decision makers within the hospital management, healthcare and patient care industries.



Infection Control



Nutrition Pharmacy

Hospital Pharmacy



Clinical Research


coming soon

coming soon

coming soon

coming soon

coming soon